
RSL lets you spawn explosions, create custom explosions, and globally modify explosion values via lua scripts.

Getting explosion info

ExplosionInfo is a very important type when it comes to handling explosions. There are several ways to get the ExplosionInfo instance for the games preset explosions. One way is by passing the explosions name to rfg.GetExplosionInfo as shown in the example below:

MineExpInfo = rfg.GetExplosionInfo("mine")
if MineExpInfo ~= nil then
    rsl.Log("Radius: {}\n", MineExpInfo.Radius)

You can find the names of all the explosion presets in the explosion spawner gui. The other way is to loop through the ExplosionInfo list. As shown below:

for i = 0, rfg.ExplosionInfos:Size(), 1 do --Go through the ExplosionInfo list with a for loop
    rsl.Log("{}: {}\n", i, rfg.ExplosionInfos[i].Name) --Log the name of each explosion preset.

Global and local explosion infos

Using the two previous methods provides you with what would be considered “global” ExplosionInfo instances. That means that if you edit the values of these instances, it will change those values for all explosions spawned from that preset. If you wanted to have a “local” ExplosionInfo instance you should make a copy of the explosion preset you want to edit, and edit that copy. Then spawn the explosion using that copy. The example below shows this:

ChargeExpInfo = rfg.GetExplosionInfo("remote_charge") --Get the remote charge ExplosionInfo preset.
ChargeExpInfo.Radius = 20.0
--Set the radius for the remote charge preset.
--Since no copy was made this is editing the global instance of this preset.
--Meaning that all remote charge explosions will have increased radius now.

ChargeExpInfoCopy = rfg.ExplosionInfo:new(ChargeExpInfo)
ChargeExpInfoCopy.ImpulseMagnitude = 120000
--Since this is editing the copy, normal remote charge explosions will not be effected.
--Only explosions you spawn by using the copy will have this increased impulse.

Spawning explosions

Explosions can be spawned by using rfg.ExplosionCreate, as shown below:

GrenadeExp = rfg.GetExplosionInfo("grenade_exp") --Get grenade explosion info
rfg.ExplosionCreate(GrenadeExp, 1434.0, 15.0, 693.3) --Spawn grenade explosion outside the Oasis safehouse

Be sure to check the page for rfg.ExplosionCreate for additional overloads of the spawning function.

More examples

This first example goes over a bit of each of the previous subjects.

-- Get a pointer to the remote charge ExplosionInfo instance
RemoteChargeExp = rfg.GetExplosionInfo("remote_charge")
RemoteChargeExp.Radius = 12.0 --Change the remote charge damage radius
RemoteChargeExp.SecondaryRadius = 15.0

-- If you don't want to edit the actual explosion values you need to make a copy
RemoteChargeExpCopy = rfg.ExplosionInfo:new(RemoteChargeExp)
-- Now we can edit the values of RemoteChargeExpCopy without changing the global
-- remote charge explosion values.
RemoteChargeExpCopy.AiSoundRadius = 2.0
RemoteChargeExpCopy.Radius = 25.0
RemoteChargeExpCopy.SecondaryRadius = 30.0
RemoteChargeExpCopy.ImpulseMagnitude = -100000.0

SpawnPosition = rfg.Vector:new(rfg.ActivePlayer.Position)
SpawnPosition.y = SpawnPosition.y + 10.0
-- Note that here we're not exactly spawning a remote charge explosion
-- But a modified version of it
rfg.ExplosionCreate(RemoteChargeExpCopy, SpawnPosition)
-- ^^ Also has an overload with many more args. Check the docs for more info on that.

-- You can also iterate through the games explosion list, as shown with the func below:

-- Normally it's good practice to stick console commands like this func
-- in their own file and to label them as such. Placing it here for examples sake.
function ListExplosionInfoNames()
    for i = 0, rfg.ExplosionInfos:Size(), 1 do
        rsl.Log("{}: {}\n", i, rfg.ExplosionInfos[i].Name)

The next example shows an example of how to change the values of all explosion presets.

Multiplier = 2.0

for i = 0, rfg.ExplosionInfos:Size(), 1 do
    IndexExp = rfg.ExplosionInfos[i];
    IndexExp.Radius = IndexExp.Radius * Multiplier
    IndexExp.SecondaryRadius = IndexExp.SecondaryRadius * Multiplier
    IndexExp.Impulse = IndexEx.Impulse * Multiplier