Script events

The RSL supports binding lua functions to different events. This allows you to have functions that run when certain things such as mouse clicks or keypresses occur. There’s also a per-frame event available for anything the other events don’t cover, but it’s preferred to use more specific events when possible. See the Events page for a list of events that can be used in scripts currently.

Registering events

Below is an example of how to register a lua function to be called when an event occurs. In this case, we’re using a Keypress event to detect when the q key is pressed and toggle the hud.

--This function will be called each time the event it's registered to is triggered
--EventData will contain the data specific to that event
--In this case, it's info on what keys are being pressed
function MyKeypressEvent(EventData)
    if(EventData.KeyCode == rfg.KeyCodes.q) then
        rsl.Log("q pressed! Toggling Hud\n")

--First arg is the type of event to register the func to
--^Also known as the "RegisterId"
--Second arg is the function to register
--Third arg is just a label for the event viewer. Useful for debugging.
rfg.RegisterEvent("Keypress", MyKeypressEvent, "ToggleHud keypress event hook")

So, the process for using events is simple. 1. Choose your event type. 2. Write a function that you want to be called each time that event is triggered. 3. Register your function with that event.