
Adds a message box to the screen using RFGs UI system.


Type (MessageBoxTypes)
The type of message box to create (OK, yes/no, accept/cancel, etc, see MessageBoxTypes for more info).
Title (String)
The title of the message box.
Description (String)
The description/content of the message box.
CallbackFunction (Function) optional
A lua function which is used to process any user input for this message box. Useful for yes/no style message boxes that expect an option to be chosen. See the examples section for an example of how this works.
Button1Override (String) optional
A custom name for the first button of the message box if you don’t want the standard “yes” “no” “ok” labels.
Button2Override (String) optional
A custom name for the second button of the message box.


Handle (int)
The handle of the message box. Currently has no use.


This example shows how to use a callback function to determine if the user selected yes or no on a yes/no message box:

--This function is called when the user selects on of the message box options
local function MyMboxCallback(CallbackData)
    if(CallbackData.Choice == rfg.MessageBoxChoices.Yes) then
        rsl.Log("Selected \"Yes\" option in the message box\n")
    elseif(CallbackData.Choice == rfg.MessageBoxChoices.No) then
        rsl.Log("Selected \"No\" option in the message box\n")

--Create the message box, register it's callback function as the last arg
rfg.AddMessageBox(rfg.MessageBoxTypes.YesNo, "Test message box", "Player pos: " .. Player.Position:ToString(), MyMboxCallback)