
A 3x3 matrix. Commonly used to represent orientation of objects and also used to represent the orientation of the player camera. Supports the following operators: +, -, ==.


rvec (Vector)
The right vector. For the free cam this points directly right of the forward vector (90° offset).
uvec (Vector)
The up vector. For the free cam this points up from the forward vector (90° offset).
fvec (Vector)
The forward vector. For the free cam this points the direction the camera is pointing.


new (Matrix CopyMatrix)
Creates a new matrix and sets it’s values to the values of CopyMatrix.
new (float InitialValue)
Creates a new matrix and sets it’s values to InitialValue.
new (Vector Right, Vector Up, Vector Forward)
Creates a new matrix and sets it’s vectors directly with Right, Up, Forward.
SetAll (float Value)
Sets all the Matrices variables to Value